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Cavity Fluids SUPER-50


Super-50 is a new, double strength cavity chemical formulated from an entirely new type of formaldehyde, absolutely anhydrous, which means it contains no water.

This new method of manufacturing formaldehyde passes the formaldehyde gas directly into alcohol where formerly water was used. By the elimination of the water, we are able to formulate a much higher index cavity fluid than ever before possible.

Super-50, in addition to the new type of formaldehyde, contains disinfecting and penetrating chemicals designed to give maximum preservation of the cavities. Thus, Super-50 is formulated with 100% active chemical ingredients.

Most embalmers' difficulties in preservation occur in the cavities. On the difficult case it can be readily seen that by injecting pure chemical, without water, the maximum efficiency can be obtained. 90% of the tissues are water and only pure chemical should be injected when a preservation problem is encountered.

Super-50 when diluted with water can be used on most ordinary cases. A bottle of ordinary 22 index cavity fluid contains 5.4 ounces of water in the concentrated bottle. This is more than one third of the bottle.Cavity Index 50 Most Powerful Cavity Fluid Made

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