Inte-Rock Cavity Compound
Interock is a highly potent embalming compound used to treat autopsied cases and viscera. It is highly
absorbent in nature and has strong preservative properties.
Cavity Viscera
Interock is ideal for assisting ongoing preservation and absorption of excess moisture of the
walls and organs of autopsied bodies. Apply to burns (weeping or non-weeping), weeping oedema,
decomposing tissue, external cancerous growths, bed sores, mutilated body parts, maggot or vermin
infestation (applied as surface packs). Will control odours.
Can safely be used as a surface pack or plastic garment application.
Always read a manufacturer's label as some compounds are only a disinfectant and deoderant.
You can rely on Interock as it will assist in preservation, absorbtion of excess moisture and odour
Ideal for vault cases, crypts and repatriations.